AGM 2017 Minutes

Braiswick Residents’ Association

email: ku.oc.evil|cesarb#ku.oc.evil|cesarb

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at Colchester Golf Club on Tuesday 14 November 2017 at 8.00 pm.

Present : 52 members (including Cllrs Jarvis and Barber) , Cllr Anne Turrell, Cllr Dennis Willetts.

1. Welcome and apologies
Stephen Pitt (Chairman 2016/17) welcomed members and guests to the meeting.
Apologies had been received from Gill & Ian Stevens, David & Claire Croger, Dennis & Sheila Brown, Jean Wilson

2. Minutes of last AGM
Stephen said that the Minutes of last year’s AGM had been placed on the Association website. Hard copies were also available on the tables around the room. There being no matters arising or corrections on the minutes raised by members they were signed by the Chairman as a true record.

3. Hon. Treasurers report
Copies of the accounts for the year ending 30 April 2017 were available on each table at the meeting and would also be appended to the minutes of the 2017 AGM. The Hon. Treasurer, Colin Hyoms, ran through the figures for the past financial year.

Balance in the Current account at year end was £901.04 (£462.52 previous year)
Balance in the Deposit Account at year end was £1,773.17 (£1,772.26 previous year)

There had been little movement in the accounts over the last year – mainly printing costs and subscriptions coming in.
Colin referred to one exceptional item namely the sum of £350 compensation which he secured from Lloyds Bank. This was obtained due to the mistakes and excessive delay caused by the bank’s inability to efficiently process a simple matter of changing the signatories on the Association’s bank account!

Colin Hyoms thanked Phil Holroyd FCA for once again preparing the accounts.
There being no questions from members, the accounts were approved unopposed.

4. Chairman’s report
Stephen Pitt reported on matters affecting Braiswick and the works of the Association over the last year as summarised below:

• The committee of the Association continued to have periodic meetings over the past year. When matters arose between meetings the Committee had kept in touch by email to discuss the issues and agree action.

• Due to operational requirements and resourcing issues, the Police are no longer able to attend Residents’ Association or Parish Council meetings. The Association was hoping to have Graham Stehle, Chairman of the Colchester Neighbourhood Watch, in attendance to talk about the work of the Colchester Neighbourhood Watch. Unfortunately, owing to unforeseen circumstances, Graham was unable to attend.

• Various planning applications had been made in respect of Bakers Lane upon which the Association had submitted comments or objection, the main one being the unwelcome proposals submitted by Gladman Developments. Residents will be aware the application was refused by Colchester Borough Council however the applicants have lodged an appeal. The matter will now be decided by a Planning Inspector.

• Another planning .application related to 6 holiday chalets and associated camping at West House Farm Bakers Lane. The Association’s committee had concerns about the effects this proposal would have on the traffic situation in Bakers Lane/ Spring Lane and the incursion into a semi-rural area. These reservations were submitted to the Council. The original application was withdrawn but has recently been resubmitted apparently without reference to the possible camping site.

• A further application affecting Bakers Lane related to the ‘adventure’ golf facility and additional parking on the ‘Play Golf’ site. Again the Association’s committee expressed reservations about the extra traffic it would generate on a road barely adequate for the existing traffic. However the application was approved by Colchester Council.

• The new Local Plan for Colchester continues through the approval process. Although there were 3 development sites earmarked in Braiswick, one has been removed in the latest version of the plan. The two remaining sites are St Botolph’s Farm and the site south of the Braiswick Golf Club. The text of the final draft plan suggests that as these two sites are in close proximity they should be planned and developed as one site requiring a comprehensive ‘master plan’ to accompany any planning applications. The Association’s committee maintains its objections to the development of both sites.

• Potholes – these are notified to the Council when they appear.

• The condition of Bakers Lane continues to be an issue. It had been shut the day before the AGM for some minor works. Stephen said Anne Turrell would be able to add to this information.

• Commuter parking in the main Braiswick road and at the top of Fernlea is a growing problem. Stephen suggested that Lewis Barber would be able to provide an update on the situation outside of the golf club. The North East Essex Parking Partnership has been approached in the past in respect of Fernlea without success. Solutions could be extending the existing Fernlea double yellow lines further down from the junction or restricted waiting on weekdays at certain times of the day. The situation will only worsen with increasing school traffic coming up Fernlea and it appears a case of an ‘accident waiting to happen’. A combined solution for both Fernlea and the road outside the golf club would be sensible.

• The proposed 20 mph zone for Fernlea/ Stonecrop was currently with the Essex County Council. Anne Turrell would be able to provide an update on this. Rob Waites has been having liaison meetings with the school management aimed at improving safety for both pupils and residents in the vicinity of the school exit onto Fernlea. A meeting has been arranged by Anne Turrell with the ECC Cabinet member for highways at the end of November which will be attended by Rob Waites to discuss these issues.

• The footpath diversions across the golf course proposed by Colchester Golf Club. Some residents had concerns about the safety of walkers in respect of the eastern diversion. Although the western diversion was implemented, no further action has apparently been taken in respect of the eastern diversion.

That concluded the annual report of the Chairman.

There being no comments or questions on the report it was approved by a show of hands of the residents attending.

5. Election of Officers and Committee

As the outgoing Chairman, Stephen Pitt handed over to Rob Waites to deal with the appointment of the Chairman for 2017/18. Stephen Pitt confirmed that he was prepared to undertake the duties of chairman for a further period. There being no other nominations Stephen was returned unopposed although Rob Waites asked for a show of hands to confirm that members were happy for the reappointment. This was overwhelmingly given. Rob handed the meeting back to Stephen as the returned Chairman for 2017/18

Other committee members
Although there had been no nominations received prior to the meeting for members wishing to stand for election, Stephen Pitt asked if there were any members present who wished to join the committee. There were not.

Stephen then asked the meeting if it agreed that the existing committee namely: Rob Waites (Hon Sec.), Colin Hyoms (Hon. Treasurer), Janice Hyoms, David Mehigan, Trevor Welham and John Jeffery could be returned to serve on the committee for a further year. The meeting assented to the reappointments.

John Bentley confirmed that he was willing to serve as the Association’s President for a further year.

6. County & Borough Councillors

a. Councillor Anne Turrell (Essex County Council Mile End Division) discussed the following issues:

• Anne referred to the meeting she has arranged for her and Rob Waites to meet the Essex C.C. Cabinet Member for highways at the end of November. The purpose of the meeting was to try to get the Council to use some of the £10,000, earmarked as a planning requirement when the new school was approved, on measures to calm the traffic leaving the school.

• Bakers Lane/ Spring Lane is to be resurfaced up to Ramparts in Bakers Lane*. It looks as though Bergholt Road will be resurfaced next year but it is not known how much of it until further details come out (probably next year). When she has further details she will let the Association know.

• The proposals for a 20 mph for Fernlea/ Stonecrop are with the Local Highways Panel. Anne said that it can take 4-5 years to be implement such schemes because of lack of finances however she is confident it will happen eventually.

• Double yellow lines – outside the Golf Club and at the top of Fernlea. This has been pushed with the North Essex Parking Partnership but their response has been they are not necessary. She said that together with Lewis Barber they had been working on this in respect of the road outside the golf club and will continue to keep pushing.

• Anne said that she had been trying to get ECC to repaint faded white safety markings on the main road and elsewhere but without success.

• The police would be undertaking speed checks on the Bergholt Road

• Anne said that in September the new Braiswick School had admitted another year class which obviously had generated more traffic on Fernlea. The proposed new secondary school on Chesterwell, which would be a ‘free’ school, was due to open in 2020. As a free school Anne, as an ECC councillor, would have no special influence with the school management (the same as with the 2 new primary school academies). The design proposals for the school building are not yet known but she anticipates that they will be advised about the planning application and be able to go through it before it goes to committee for approval.

Anne dealt with the following questions:
(i) Q. Where would the new secondary school be located?
A. South of the A12, on the Chesterwell Development at the top of Nayland Road where it has been rerouted. She said school traffic
shouldn’t affect Braiswick.

(ii) Q. Will Braiswick be in its catchment area?
A. This will be up to the free school provider. ECC will have no direct control over this although academies and free schools normally follow
the former ECC catchment areas but renamed them ‘priority areas’. Anne said if she received any more information on this she would let
the Association know for publishing it on its website.

(iii) Q. The new school being where it is, if any children from Braiswick attend, the route to school would be down the Bergholt Road to North Station roundabout and then up Mile End Road.

A. Anne wanted to ensure that there was a proper walking route to the school from Braiswick.

b. Councillor Brian Jarvis (Colchester Borough Council Lexden and Braiswick Ward) discussed the following issues:

• Brian said that he had seen an information leaflet about the Bakers Lane/ Spring Lane resurfacing implying that the whole of Bakers Lane up to the B1508 would be resurfaced – not just to ‘Ramparts’. Anne Turrell replied that Brian had raised this with her and she had taken it up with County Hall and attended a meeting where a map showed the exact limits of the resurfacing works and they ended at ‘Ramparts’. Anne said she would double-check and let Brian, Lewis and the Association know. Brian confirmed that the leaflet said the resurfacing works would take place between the 27th and 30th November.*

• Brian said the appeal on the Gladman’s Bakers Lane development would be heard by the Inspector in January 2018. In the meantime Colchester Council has placed a Tree Preservation Order on all the trees and hedges on the site. This cannot stop development if a planning approval is granted however it will constrain the plans of the developer. Brian said the proposals were not in accordance with either the existing or new local plans. The new Local Plan already identified the numbers of new homes to meet projected demand over the next 16 years and the preferred sites to accommodate them. Further speculative sites are not required.

• ‘Lexden Bridge Hamlet’, which is at the bottom of Spring Lane, was the idea of local residents to deal with road safety problems. They wanted motorists coming off the A12 and using Spring Lane to appreciate they were entering a residential area. They had got permission to name the Lexden Bridge area ‘Lexden Bridge Hamlet. White gates were erected either side of the road and the intention is to have planters in front of the gates. Brian said that they have run into some public liability insurance difficulties which he hopes will be resolved shortly.

• Dog fouling was an issue at the last AGM. Brian felt that the situation had improved and at the last inspection carried out a couple of weeks ago no signs of dog fouling were noted. Brain said that in the last year the only reports that had been put in were from him. He urged residents to report any instances they see either using the Council website or by email. If reports are made it will ensure regular inspections by the council zone team. He will be placing new stickers on lampposts etc concerning the fines of £100 which can now be incurred.

• The increased dog fouling fines are under a ‘Public Space Protection Order which came into force last year covering the whole Borough. Brian mentioned that a recent PSPO came into force covering the Town Centre and was intended to deal with growing problems of rough sleepers in doorways and car parks, drinking and drug taking, public disorder, obstructions to the footpath caused by advertising boards etc. etc.

• Continuing on the Town Centre, the Curzon Cinema development is well under way and demolition has started on the next door ‘Roman House’ which will be a new ‘Travel Lodge’. Planning applications are also in for The Co-op Building, ‘Jack’s Store and the Crouch Street cinema which all include a mixture of residential and retail. Brian didn’t think that there would be any large retail led developments as shopping trends had changed.

• Jumbo - the current owner is considering granting a long lease to the North East Essex Building Preservation Trust which would enable them to apply for National Lottery funds.

• The ‘out of town’ Stane Park development will contain an M & S, Aldi and B&Q. Section 106 money will be available for road and junction improvements in that area.

• The proposed Tollgate development was approved by the Planning Inspector however Fenwick’s and Lion Walk Properties are seeking a judicial review of the decision which will be heard later this year or early next year.

• Locality Budget. He and his colleagues had £2000 each to spend within the ward on projects to benefit residents. One item they were looking was to see if it is possible is to use the money to get a speed survey (by cables across the road) on the road through Braiswick to West Bergholt. He and his colleagues would be pleased to hear of any other proposals from residents.

Brian dealt with the following questions:

(i) Q. Mr Coker said that his house (No. 10 Braiswick) is situated on the bend in the Braiswick Road where the excessive speed of some vehicles creates safety issues when he drives out of his property. He wondered whether there was any prospect of a ‘Vehicle Activated Sign’ (VAS) being installed to slow vehicles approaching the blind bend.
A. Brian said that the police regarded VAS’s as having only a temporary effect being ignored after a few weeks.

(ii) Q. A question was asked about what was planned for the old Co-op store in town.
A. Brian answered that a planning application has been submitted for a mix of retail and residential. The existing facade would be retained and the open area between it and the sports store (St Nicholas House) will be made into attractive public area using Section 106 money.

(iii) Q. A resident raised the problem of cars, parked in front gardens in the Bergholt Road, which overhang the pavement. Was there any legal restriction on this?
A. Brian replied that there were restrictions however the police tended to take action only when a complete obstruction was caused. Rob Waites added to this by describing his unsatisfactory correspondence with the North Essex Parking Partnership about this very issue. He understood that the Local Authority Association was seeking the same more stringent powers that London Authorities had to deal with this issue.

c. Councillor Lewis Barber (Colchester Borough Council Lexden & Braiswick Ward) discussed the following issues:

• Local Plan:- Lewis is on the Local Plan Committee which has been determining growth plans for the next 15 years. He has voted against the plan in committee mainly because of concerns about the level of development envisaged and its effect on his ward and lack of infrastructure. He had made it clear in committee that he would vote against it unless it addressed the infrastructure deficit. Lewis said it was clear that this was of concern to residents. There had been extensive development in Colchester in the last 15 years and the new proposals planned to accelerate this to around 980 dwellings per annum. He compared this to Chelmsford which only planned to build about half that amount. He and his Conservative colleagues were not against further development but it must be done in the right way and be sustainable.

Some amendments have been secured working with Councillor Martin Goss (Mile End Ward) who chairs the Local Plan Committee. For example that recognition is given to the accumulative effect of developments in the pipeline when a future application goes in. For example the effects of Chesterwell and other developments in the Mile End area which should take account of traffic congestion.

Although he and his colleagues voted against the plan for the above reasons it was passed 6 votes to 4, The Local Plan has thus has gone forward to the Planning Inspector for approval despite, In his view , there being no clear forward plans for infrastructure .

• Highways: Lewis said that Colchester Council rejected his request to provide additional funding (£1million) for the Local Highways Panel Budget to make up for a shortfall (as other authorities have done). Apparently money was available from Central Government for infrastructure and community facilities. He said that it would be one of his priorities going forward – he shadows the Resources Portfolio which looks after the budget – to see whether the money can be allocated to deal with pressing issues.

• Bakers Lane: Lewis clarified that it looked as though the section of Road from the mini-roundabout on the main Braiswick Road up to ‘Ramparts’ would not be resurfaced this time around. However the rest of the road up to the A12 slip road roundabout would be resurfaced. The day before the meeting (13 November) there was a one day closure for some preparation and the main work would be done 27 – 30 November.*

• Waste collection: The arrangements had changed since the last AGM. Lewis said that he was never in support of the changes. One of the issues which residents had raised was the reduction on the garden waste bag collection to four and also in the size of the bags.

• Parking outside Golf Club: He and Anne Turrell had met on site with John Ross from the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) to advise on what could be done. Although many people had written to complain about the current situation, the NEPP will not consider implementing a parking restriction scheme until it could be shown that there was sufficient public support which was frustrating. Lewis said that a rethink was required as to what to do about the problem.

• Lewis dealt with the following questions:

(i) Q. A resident reported that the last Thursday evening her black waste bags had disappeared between 6 pm and 10 pm. The rest of their collection was still there. She had contacted the Council who were unaware of similar incidents.
A. Lewis said that he hadn’t heard of similar occurrences. Stephen Pitt commented that it was important to make sure any personal paperwork was shredded before putting in the black sacks. Brian Jarvis mentioned that shredded paperwork should be put in the recycling bags.

(ii) Q. Michael Vernon referred to the new Local Plan and the 2 remaining Braiswick development sites mentioned therein. In the original draft of the plan a total potential of 58 house plots was indicated. The latest version which suggests that the 2 sites should be developed together as one indicates a total of 70 houses. Why?
A. Lewis said that this not an isolated case. There were other examples where the projected numbers of houses on specific sites had gone up between draft and submission plan stages. The Administration’s answer was that they were increasing the number of affordable homes. He was pushing for a review pointing out that even if approved by the Planning Inspector it would still have to come back to be formally adopted by the full Council. He said that in his opinion the Local Plan Committee did not seem to fully consider the comments and objections received from members of the public.

(iii) Q. A question was asked as to when the final decision would be made on the Local Plan?.
A. Lewis said that Parts I (urban) and II (Garden Communities) were to be considered by the Planning Inspector between February and April next year.

(iv). Q. David Mehigan pointed out that Middlewick Ranges had not been included in the draft Local Plan but suddenly appeared in the submission Plan. Doesn’t this make it difficult for the Council to argue against the proposed Gladman’s development in Bakers Lane which was also not included in the draft plan?
A. Lewis said that the Council committee had voted to include the Middlewick Ranges site in the Local Plan whereas they had never agreed to include the Gladman’s site.

(v) Q. Rob Waites said that presumably the draft Local Plan had allocated sufficient sites to meet Colchester’s projected housing needs for the next 16 years. So if Middlewick Ranges can provide another 1000 sites is not there going to be a surplus number of houses provided?
A. Lewis answered that between draft Local Plan and draft submission Plan many small sites had dropped out of the list of potential sites. Thus the Middlewick Ranges ‘windfall’ site has restored the numbers to the required level.

(vi) Q. John Jeffery referred back to the Bakers Lane resurfacing which if to be done now ran the risk of being affected by bad weather – particularly if further delayed. Wouldn’t it be better to delay it until good weather is more guaranteed?
A. Lewis said he had spoken to Highways about this and the type of resurfacing being used sets in about 30 minutes and is not prone to being affected by adverse weather.

(vii) Q. John Jeffery asked whether if delayed beyond the end of the financial year the funding for resurfacing would still be available for the next year?
A . Anne Turrell replied that once allocated by ECC it was very unlikely that the funds would disappear.

(Viii) Q. On the question of allocated funds Stephen Pitt pointed out that the traffic refuge in Tufnell Way is funded but still hasn’t been done!
A. Anne replied that the money was still there – she had ensured that it didn’t get spent on something else and the officers were still trying to find a solution to the apparent problem of road width at the junction with the main road.

(ix) Q. A comment was made from the floor about a ‘dip’ in the road surface on the B1508 after the bridge and coming from West Bergholt and near the change from 60 mph.
A. Lewis said that a lot of work was being done to review Colchester’s roads in terms of speed, there being the possibility of phased speed limits to reduce the speed of vehicles coming into Colchester from West Bergholt. He is unaware of any firm proposals at the moment for this road.

d. Councillor Dennis Willetts (Colchester Borough Council Lexden & Braiswick)

• Dennis reminded residents that the ward covered not only Lexden & Braiswick but also Aldham, Eight Ash Green, and West Bergholt and the rural parts thereof. He said that as the last speaker most of the important topics had been covered by his colleagues. He spoke about the main roles of Colchester Borough Council and he said that there 4 main subject areas:

a. The first which had already been touched on was planning – which split into 2 namely structure planning (e.g. the Local Plan) and development control (approving applications for new build and alterations etc.).
Why a new Local Plan which to many just seems to be about filling-up all the green spaces that they thought would be open space forever? The simple answer is population growth. The country as a whole has to cope with an annual growth in population of a city the size of Coventry and Colchester has to do its bit. At the end of the day this breaks down to 100 houses in this village and another 100 in that village and so on. Although many of us now think that Colchester has done its bit and we should be putting on the brakes.

b. The next major policy area is housing although the Council doesn’t actually build houses any more. Every new development should incorporate about 20% ‘affordable’ housing which includes ‘social’ housing for rent. At present there are about 6000 people on the waiting list for Colchester. Dennis said that it is a battle the Council is not winning because many developers argue restricted profitability on their housing projects means it is not possible to meet the 20% ‘affordable’ housing some of which can for example be handed over to Housing Associations. Thus there is a continuing problem on housing which means it can be a long wait on the Council’s housing list.

c. The third major policy area is waste and recycling. As mentioned earlier in the meeting there has been a major change which varied across the Borough depending upon whether you were in a zone where ‘wheelie’ bins were to be used. The number of operatives has not been reduced nor the number of vehicles used so theoretically the Council could revert back to the old system for waste collection. Dennis said he was interested in getting residents’ feedback about the new system as there has been a considerable reaction to the limiting of families, particularly large ones, to three black bags or one wheelie bin per fortnight. Feedback would be useful if changes were to be sought in the system to enable it to work better.

d. The final policy area is economic development which covers a range of issues. In Dennis’s opinion this should include tourism. Colchester is a historic borough but is not being ‘sold’ to potential visitors. This could be a major source of additional income for the town which could be put to good use. It would create jobs which would help to replace those lost over the years in for example engineering although some of these have been partially offset by financial services.

Dennis gave an example of money that could have been better used. The Government gives Colchester a ‘new Homes Bonus’ for every new house built. This has totalled around £20 million over the last five years and natural justice would say that about £7 million should have been spent on extra infrastructure to ameliorate the impact of development in North Colchester, the Garrison area and Stanway. Instead most of that money, suggested Dennis, had gone into payroll rather than infrastructure. Dennis said the Council needs extra money to do all the things expected by the electorate.

• Any suggestions and comments from residents about Council services should be passed onto Dennis and his colleagues which they can use to feed into Council decision making.

7. General Open Discussion.
(i) Q. An update was requested concerning an article in the press and mentioned in a Lib Dem leaflet referring to meetings to discuss improving the traffic flow at the North Station roundabout.
A. Anne Turrell said that ECC and Colchester Council are working together on a transport strategy for Colchester to include North Station. Anne has been asked by Councillor Bentley (Deputy Leader of ECC) to join the meetings because of her knowledge of the area. She said that, bad as it is, North Station is no longer the worst Colchester area for congestion. She made the point that it was a long term strategy and would not ‘happen overnight’. In essence they were looking at ways to better move the traffic and/or reduce the amount of traffic.

(ii) Q. The previous questioner mentioned that one of the ways mentioned in the article was a flyover at Colne Bank Avenue roundabout.
A. Anne said that this would be lovely but the cost was very high. Another equally expensive idea was a tunnel from the bottom of Turner Road to Cowdray Avenue. That was the problem with many of the ideas – lack of funds so it was likely that the emphasis would be on cutting traffic by encouraging the use of walking, cycling and public transport and some improvements to the existing road network.

Referring back to North Station, whilst it was very busy in the morning and from 3.00pm to the evening rush hours, during the day it was much quieter. It was a difficult issue because most people currently prefer to use their car but ECC were working on reducing reliance on cars.

(iii) Q. Stephen Pitt asked why Section 106 monies obtained from developers and the ‘New Homes Bonus’ monies could not be used for road projects?
A. Anne pointed out that this was a matter for Colchester Borough Council not Essex County Council although presumably it would be one of the issues to be discussed. She said that when a plan to deal with the traffic problems is ready ECC would be able to apply for funds from the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) as has been done for the works in Cowdray Avenue. However, you have to have the plans ready as when SELEP ask for funding bids they give you about six months to put the application in. So ECC is working on possible schemes all the time so that they have some ‘oven ready’ able to be put forward. The trouble is this system of funding encourages piecemeal planning and so the two authorities are working on a plan for Colchester so that when money is available they can pull a scheme out from the overall strategic plan.

(iv) Q. John Jeffery said a great improvement could be made by reopening the stretch of North Station Road between the Albert roundabout and the Westway/Clarendon Road roundabout and secondly change the traffic light sequencing at the junction between Bergholt Road and station roundabout so that more than 4 or 5 cars can get through at a time.
A. Taking the second point first Anne begged to differ on the traffic lights sequencing. She has had lots of comments concerning this point and in fact this only occurs when the roundabout is heavily congested. When it is clear many more cars can get through. Although this was met with some disagreement from the floor she pointed out that she had counted them on occasion and that Mile End Road has no traffic lights at all to allow cars out! She said she has frequently got onto the Highways Engineers about the lights at North Station and the lights have been tweaked and tweaked again. She has been told that they are as good as they are going to be. She said that she would put these ideas forward to the joint ECC/ CBC team looking at the roads strategy.

8. Close of Meeting
The Chairman, Stephen Pitt, thanked the Golf Club for the use of its faculties and staff for their help and asked members to show their appreciation in the usual way (there followed a round of applause). He said that he hoped the meeting had been informative and had given members the chance to put their views across and hear from their elected representatives. Because of all the developments proposed for the area he suggested that residents kept an eye on the Association’s website for news. He referred to the fact that John Bentley puts details of relevant planning applications on the website. If residents had any issues they could pass them onto the Association. Rob Waites mentioned that the Associations’ website address and email address were on the top of the minutes of last year’s meeting. Stephen referred to the fact that if members were happy for the Association to have their email addresses it was an easy way for the Association to communicate urgent issues.

The meeting was declared closed at 9.25 p.m.

  • Subsequent to the meeting Anne Turrell initially ascertained that the part of Bakers Lane from the B1508 to ‘Ramparts’ was omitted from the current resurfacing exercise because it was to be the subject of a Surface Water Alleviation Scheme (SWAS) in 2022/23. In view of the unsatisfactory nature of this response Anne went back to Councillor Grundy (E.C.C. Cabinet Member for Highways) and secured an undertaking to look at bringing forward the SWAS on the northern sector of Bakers Lane to 2018/9 after which it will be resurfaced. This is of course subject to availability of funding. In the meantime the northern section will be monitored and maintained as necessary by Essex Highways under their maintenance budget.
  • Other issues raised by residents with Anne at the meeting have been auctioned as follows:

i. Large Log on verge near the lay-by outside 61 Braiswick reported to the Highways Rangers for removal. It’s not clear if it’s on Highways Land or private land. Highways will only remove it if it is on their land.

ii. Squashed bollard on Braiswick near Achnacone Drive, reported by e mail for urgent inspection as it might be dangerous

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