Braiswick Residents' Association
The Braiswick Residents’ Association is an independent non-political group originally founded some 70 years ago to represent and promote the interests of local people living in this area of Colchester.
Our principal activities concern commenting, when appropriate, on planning applications submitted for work to be done in our area, and local problems with street lights, road repairs and any other matters directly concerning Braiswick brought to the attention of the committee by local residents about which we may act as a pressure group on their behalf.
We hold an Annual General Meeting every year in November, usually at the Colchester Golf Club, when we elect our committee for the forthcoming year. We deliver an invitation to all local residents before this meeting and all are welcome to attend. We report on the previous year’s activities and hear from invited guest speakers (ward councillors, police representative etc.) about matters of concern in our area. The meeting is then opened for general discussion and comments from the floor when you can have your say.
Membership of our Association is open to all residents in the Braiswick area and the current annual subscription is a nominal £2 per household. This is to cover incidental expenses and build up a small reserve for contingencies as well as providing a record of our current membership. All are welcome and anyone wishing to join or renew their membership of the Association can do so at the AGM in November or by sending their subscription with name and address to the Hon. Treasurer, details available from the Hon. Secretary at email ku.oc.evil|cesarb#ku.oc.evil|cesarb.
If there are any local matters with which we may be able to assist you or which you wish to raise with the committee the Hon. Secretary of the Braiswick Residents’ Association can be contacted by email at ku.oc.evil|cesarb#ku.oc.evil|cesarb.

Our area extends from the A12 Blue Bridge along Braiswick as far as Fernlea including all the side roads leading offsuch as Warwick Bailey, Achnacone Drive, Keeper's Green and Fairways, Bakers Lane as far as the railway bridge and Westwood Hill.